Travel Alert Status
Level 3: Reconsider Travel
Time Difference
UTC+3 (8 hours ahead of Washington, DC during Standard Time)
Travel Climate
The average temperature in Kampala ranges from a high of 85 degrees F at noon to a low of 60 at night. The temperature changes more during the course of each day than it does from season to season. The hottest weather occurs from October through March.
Kampala has an annual rainfall of about 63 inches. During the rainy seasons—March to April and September to October—the weather is cooler. Frequent, heavy thunderstorms last from 30 minutes to 1 hour. It seldom rains an entire day, even during the so-called rainy seasons. Wind gusts that accompany downpours are sometimes strong enough to knock down tree limbs and even an occasional tree. Red murram dust, which can be a particular problem during dry periods, effects Kampala dwellers when venturing beyond the main asphalt roads.
Travel Currency
Ugandan shilling (UGX)
English (official language, Ganda or Luganda , other Niger-Congo languages, Nilo-Saharan languages, Swahili, Arabic)
Ethnic Groups
Baganda 17%, Ankole 8%, Basoga 8%, Iteso 8%, Bakiga 7%, Langi 6%, Rwanda 6%, Bagisu 5%, Acholi 4%, Lugbara 4%, Batoro 3%, Bunyoro 3%, Alur 2%, Bagwere 2%, Bakonjo 2%, Jopodhola 2%, Karamojong 2%, Rundi 2%, non-African (European, Asian, Arab) 1%, other 8%
National Holiday
Independence Day, 9 October (1962)
Geographic Coordinates
1 00 N, 32 00 E
East-Central Africa, west of Kenya, east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo