Travel Alert Status
Lebanon - Level 4: Do Not Travel
Time Difference
UTC+2 (7 hours ahead of Washington, DC, during Standard Time)
Travel Climate
From May through October, sunny weather prevails and rain is infrequent. Temperatures rarely go above 90°F in the summer. Fall and spring are relatively short. Winters are mild (in the city, winter temperatures rarely drop below 40°F and damp. Most of the country's annual rainfall (about 36 inches) occurs from December through March. Winter storms frequently are accompanied by high winds, lightning, and thunder.
Travel Currency
Lebanese pound (LBP)
Arabic (official), French, English, Armenian
Ethnic Groups
Arab 95%, Armenian 4%, other 1%
National Holiday
Independence Day, 22 November (1943)
Geographic Coordinates
33 50 N, 35 50 E
Middle East, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, between Israel and Syria