Travel Alert Status
Level 1: Exercise Normal Precautions
Time Difference
UTC+1 (6 hours ahead of Washington, DC, during Standard Time)
Travel Climate
Temperature extremes in Vienna vary between summer highs of 95°F and - 4°F in winter. October may be damp and rainy, and light snowfalls occur in November and December. Snow, sometimes heavy, and frost can occur from January until mid-March. April, May, and early June offer pleasant spring weather, and summers are often delightful.
Vienna sometimes becomes uncomfortably hot in July and August, especially in the city's center, but the suburbs, particularly those which are elevated, are pleasant. The city is subject to rapid and marked changes in atmospheric pressures with accompanying winds. One such wind, the foehn, carries warm air from the south. It has a special meaning for the Viennese since many people blame it for peculiar human behavior. The average annual precipitation in Vienna is 21.02 inches.
The mountainous regions have long, cold winters with heavy snowfall and bright, crisp days. The Danube Basin usually has less snow, is damper, and therefore has more gray and overcast days than the higher altitudes.
Travel Currency
Language Spoken
German (official nationwide) 88.6%, Turkish 2.3%, Serbian 2.2%, Croatian (official in Burgenland) 1.6%, other (includes Slovene, official in southern Carinthia, and Hungarian, official in Burgenland) 5.3%
German (official nationwide), Slovene (official in Carinthia), Croatian (official in Burgenland), Hungarian (official in Burgenland)
Ethnic Groups
Austrian 80.8%, German 2.6%, Bosnian and Herzegovinian 1.9%, Turkish 1.8%, Serbian 1.6%, Romanian 1.3%, other 10%
National Holiday
National Day (commemorates passage of the law on permanent neutrality), 26 October (1955)
Geographic Coordinates
47 20 N, 13 20 E
Central Europe, north of Italy and Slovenia